The boil water notice issued 2/22/25 for the following area is hereby rescinded:
Starting at 2450 Garcon Point Road and heading south to 2069 Garcon Point Road, to include; Bon Bay Drive, Bon Bay Court, Delhi Drive, Blackwater Street, Seabreeze Lane, Tidewater Drive, Kensara Drive, Copelare Drive and Mykell Drive.
Customers may resume normal use of tap water.
- Any customer experiencing low water pressure or no water should boil their water as a precaution.
- When water is restored, we ask as a precaution that you boil any water you use to drink, and prepare food with. To assure the water is safe to drink, water samples for two consecutive days will be taken and tested to be sure the lines are clear from any bacteria.
- This precautionary boil water notice is for the customers living in these areas Only. No other customers of Bagdad-Garcon Point Water System, Inc are affected.
- Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled.
- A rolling boil of one minute is sufficient. As an alternative, bottled water may be used. You may draw water in a one gallon clean container and add 10 drops of unscented bleach to the water, shake the container after the top has been replaced. Remove the cap and let the water stand for 30 minutes.
- This “Precautionary Boil Water notice” will remain in effect until the problem has been corrected and a bacteriological survey shows that the water is safe to drink.
- To run the tests and get the results back may take from two days to a week, depending on which day the leak occurred.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes you and your family. Our primary concern is to assure you that the water we provide to you is safe. Just as soon as we receive information from the lab confirming the water samples are clear, we will advise you.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Bagdad-Garcon Point Water System at (850) 623-8508.
Bagdad-Garcon Point Water System, Inc.